March 9-15, 2026
Hollywood, California

The 2024 SLIFF festival marked the first time that Deaf filmmakers globally gathered in Hollywood to present their work, fostering greater visibility and recognition with each other and in the mainstream film industry.
SignLight International Film Festival is dedicated to fostering connections and creating spaces for Deaf filmmakers to collaborate and engage. Through our efforts, we aim to ensure that Deaf voices and stories are celebrated and gain greater visibility within the global media landscape.
It’s Time to RISE!

SignLight International Film Festival is the only industry-centered film festival exclusively dedicated to the work of Deaf filmmakers from across the United States and around the globe.
For Filmmakers
If you’re a Deaf filmmaker or made a film with Deaf crew and/or cast featuring any of the world’s 200+ sign languages, submitting to this film festival is a MUST!
THANK YOU to the 195 filmmakers in 43 countries
who shared their work with us for the 2024 festival!

For Fans
If you are captivated by Sign Language, a friend of the Deaf community, or an avid film fan, come ready to be immersed in a world of creativity, motivation and inspiration!
For the Industry
If you are eager to produce or curate authentic works from historically-overlooked communities, join us.
FIND untold stories, DISCOVER rising talent, and ENHANCE your diverse workforce to sustainably deliver a range of an expansive range of POVs that appeal to markets worldwide.


for its vigorous support of diversity and inclusivity
in arts and entertainment, and for providing
founding funds enabling SignLight, Inc. to establish the
SignLight International Film Festival.